Baby Yucca Tree

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by cteaberry, Dec 8, 2006.

  1. cteaberry

    cteaberry Member

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    Wisconsin, USA
    I have had an indoor yucca tree for about 6 years now, and it was passed down to me from my grandmother. About a month ago, down in the soil next to the tree was a baby sprout! I didn't really know this could happen, but it is almost a foot tall now, and I want to pass the baby tree on to my younger sister, and need some advice on when and how I should transplant it. Also, can you cut off any of the upper shoots off of the main trunk of the tree and regrow them?
  2. James D.

    James D. Active Member

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    ottawa,ON. Canada
    You can either wait till the baby is a little bit bigger and then cut it off and root it either in moist coarse sand with a bag over the pot, or in water. Or you can cut off the top of the main trunk adn it will root easily as well. good luck

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