It is a Rhododendron. Difficult to say which one. It may be R. ponticum. There are also many named, large purple flowered Rhododendrons, but only a real Rhodo expert could tell you which one it might be.
It is a Rhododendron. Difficult to say which one. It may be R. ponticum. There are also many named, large purple flowered Rhododendrons, but only a real Rhodo expert could tell you which one it might be. In the U.K. Rhodo ponticum is concidered a problem. It is fast growing, spreading and suckering, and kills all native wild flowers, with the dense shade it casts. Named cultivars such as R. Purple splendour, are not a problem
In the situation, perhaps more likely Rosebay Rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum), which is native in Ohio.