My parents have an avocado tree that must be 10 to 15 years old. The fruit the tree produces look like miniature avocados. They are about 2 inches long. Then they fall off the tree. Anybody have any recommendations on avocado trees?
g'day bbunker, is it a grafted tree (preffered) or a seedling tree? ther are 2 sorts of trees in some of the avacado group ie.,. 'A' or 'B', and if you have one of each growing in your agrden you can then extend your fruiting season, because one will predominately have male flowers early up and the other female flowers, but later in the season each will have both flowers so self pollination can occur. there are a lot of trees grown from seeds and they are noted for being unreliable in producing fruit representative of where the seed came from, they can produce from nothing through poor quality fruit to good fruit but you may have to wait anywhere up to 14 years to find that out, if you want a certain qaulity then grafted is the way to go. len
I know that the next door neighbor has an avocado tree also. When my father planted the tree, it was a tree not a seed. He bought it at a local nursery in Southern California.
still you will need to know if it was actually a grafted tree when planted? wouldn't be the first time a seedling has been sold. if it where grafted and the quality of fruit or production is poor then there maybe a case where the root stock has taken over and the graft is no more? this then takes the tree back to being a seedling stock tree. yoiu don't say if the neighbours tree gets good fruit or if it is the same variety as your dad's? just have never heard of a grafted tree not fruiting to form and quality. len