Avocado -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can an avocado tree be grown and bear fruit in the Okanagan Similkameen area of BC?
Not likely if planted in the ground. The most cold hardy variety, 'Mexicola Grande' is hardy to about 18ยบ F (zone 8b). Maybe it could be grown in a pot and overwintered indoors. Whether on not it would make fruit is hard to say. http://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff/avocado.html
I had several "Hass" avacado plants in my cold frame over winter. They where about 4 feet tall and suffered tip and 50% leaf damage (-3 celcius / 29f). They appear to be ready to push new growth but only to have the same or worse happen next winter. I'm eyeing up my compost pile as I type. Cheers, LPN.
If a popular food plant like this was "do-able" up here it would be common, as are genuinely hardy orchard fruits like apple trees.
Hey LPN, if your thinking of tossing one of those avocado.....I'd take one from you. I have a big green house I can put it in....nudge, nudge, wink, wink. I'd be willing to make the trip to your place to get it also.
Carol, you're on for that Avacado plant. I looked them over today and one in particular looks quite good. The other two are holding up and all signs point to new growth coming. I'll set one aside for you and it's yours however we arrange to connect. Cheers, LPN. (Barrie)