What interesting pink colors! And very little yellow or orange. Also, at this time, evergreen plants look good against such a background.
Just a chance selection, the Linearilobum scolopendriifolium in the first photo and on the peaches and cream on the second include some yellows.. here’s Reticulatum, Bi-hoo and Ichigyoji, I like the leaf shape on the latter, although a poor photo
My mum has a 20ft Hogyoku in her garden that throws out a great yellow display, I keep meaning to air-layer it!!
Yes, unfortunately, photos cannot convey all the beauty of nature. And I liked the last photo, it reminded me of autumn maple leaves, which are so diverse and beautiful in autumn.
I thought Orange Lace might be a be regular during the Autumb but I’m getting some truly spectacular purple hues on the orange base colour. Nice cultivar in summer too..I’ve only had it for a year and it’s only just 3ft tall presently, will be nice in a few years..
Few more - The first is sone type of amoenum - it was a winter nursery bargain about 10 years ago - it’s not Osakazuki, but similiar. 3 and 4 are Orange Dream penultimate one is Attaryi - best Autumn colours on it seen on it to date. last one is Baldsmith - nice but not nuclear colour this year, still has time I guess
Catching up, Autumn is certainly here! There are a few spectacular ones and quite a lot of squibs, particularly larger trees. Too much rain. I think Westonbirt is going to be awesome this coming WE though! Here are some pictures taken last week, possibly all labeled, lol, some incorrectly... It should be Seki no kegon, not Sekka. And A x schneiderianum.
Few more Westonbirt Spreading Star Higasa Yama Wakehurst Pink Yezo Nishiki Sharon Phoenix Inaba shidare Close up of wakehurst variegation
That's very interesting, mine seems to be red autumn color! I wonder if it's just this odd year, or I just have the wrong one. The only reference to autumn color I find in the references is in the Cultivar Database, described as "bright yellow to orange". Here it is with some others I took yesterday.
Interesting! Mr Maple shows the same rich yellow photo and yellow to orange description. Here is Autumn last year and spring this year. It was in a much sunnier location during the summer last year and I moved it as it was getting too much. Autumn 2023 April 2024 August 2024
A few pics taken last weekend : O-sakazuki is still green, but I gathered quite a few samaras : Others, the one I called "Shirpal" is from seed and looks like a cross from shirasawanum and palmatum.
Miscellaneous, including several seedlings, one of which has nice red colours : The last leaves of what is probably Acer circinatum (from seed) (Oct. 20) : Acer (pseudosieboldianum) takesimense, Oct 13 and Oct. 20 : Beni hagoromo : Atropurpureum dissectum : The one from seed I called "Shirpal", Oct. 31 and Nov. 3 :
Some more pics from here, sometimes with bright colors, other times, in the fog. There's been a lot of fog, and although no rain, it's been quite humid and cold. Down to nearly 3C last night. Color is sort of dotted around here and there, coming and going. Every now and then a blast of sunshine illuminates it.
A couple of interesting seedlings in my shaded corner : in the first picture, the one in the top-right corner is O-sakazuki, it hasn't yet shown its red colours for which it's reputed, but there's a seedling with a vibrant red, and another one in yellow tones. Another one which is also green in spring/summer shows a darker red. I must tag them I think : A seedling from A. (pseudosieboldianum) takesimense. I think it could be even more colourful f it can get more sun, I'll repot it next spring - the kind of maple I really like (late afternoon light, not really the same colours) : Trompenburg (not "Tomp..." ^^) in late afternoon, picked up some seeds, we'll see... (on the left, a glimpse of Acer laevigatum, strong and healthy)