My 4 Autumn blaze maples, planted 3 years ago in zone 6, clay soil, old farmland. About 3 inches of good mulch. I noticed this a little last year, but this year about 1/3 of the tree's branches leaves have turned red already. There is no leaf drop, just the kind of red you'd expect to have in the fall, the green leaves look normal (not yellow). This is not new growth either, 100% of the tree had green leaves in early spring. The rainfall has been great. I had to cut off a few branches this spring that did not develop leaves and now this really concerns me thinking these are the ones I'll be cutting off next spring. I checked the branches I cut earlier and did not see rings in the wood so I didn't think it was verticillium but I wouldn't know exactly how that affects the tree. Anyone have any suggestions???
if rained much and the temperature is low is possible that maples change color of leaves,like in autum;if you not se black spot isn't verticilium ,another posssible cause is clay soil,rubrum prefer low PH ,add mature fertilize of the cow or horse in autum