hi i live in sydney australia, and have a magnolia liliflora nigra (soulangeana nigra) which is flowering now, it is summer here at the moment, but we have had a few cool days and nights. Someone told me it was the first sign of the tree dying, could this be true or is it just the silly weather we have at the moment???
Most all forms of Magnolia liliflora and hybrids thereof can have some Summer blooms also. When the tree is setting floral buds for next year or have some floral buds already in bud some of them will go ahead and develop onward and open up. The Summer flowers will be smaller in size than the Spring blooms will be and the blooms will not last as long either. It is a rather common occurrence here where I am and with certain forms like the "girl series" such as 'Susan', 'Ann' and 'Betty' happens for us all of the time, almost every Summer. Summer blooms can also be seen with the Liliflora hybrid 'Royal Crown and almost all selected forms of Liliflora including ‘Gracilis’, ‘Nigra’, ‘O'Neill’ and Mr. Toichi Domoto's 'Little Lily'. Jim
Dying? Sounds like you have some silly statements occurring there at the moment, as well as silly weather.