August 19, 2015 - Blues

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by wcutler, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Not the blues, just blues.

    The first photo is from the entrance plaza. We decided it's the same as the next two photos from the Physic Garden: Vitex agnus-castus.
    VitexAgnus-castus_UBCBG-EntrancePlaza_Cutler_20150819_104049.jpg VitexAgnus-castus_UBCBG-1F_Cutler_20150819_105818.jpg VitexAgnus-castus_UBCBG-1F_Cutler_20150819_105839.jpg

    Also in the Physic Garden, I just liked the branches of the borage: Borago oficinalis. Good thing, because not a single flower was facing my way.

    This is Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Arthus Simmonds'.
    CaryopterisXclandonensisArthurSimmonds_UBCBG_Cutler_20150819_112149.jpg CaryopterisXclandonensisArthurSimmonds_UBCBG_Cutler_20150819_112229.jpg

    We poked around the Back 40 and found Nicandra physalodes with such beautiful fruits.
    NicandraPhysaloides-Solanaceae_UBCBG-Back40_Cutler_20150819_123227.jpg NicandraPhysaloides-Solanaceae_UBCBG-Back40_Cutler_20150819_123242.jpg

    I can't believe we've never posted Phytolacca clavigera. Maybe I never got it in focus.
    PhytolaccaClavicera_UBCBG_Cutler_20150819_113448.jpg PhytolaccaClavicera_UBCBG_Cutler_20150819_113419.jpg

    Blue leaves count as blues. Here is Eucalyptus rubida with showy red branches, a new acquisition from 2013. Common name is candlebark, or candlebark gum.
    EucalyptusRubida-candlebark_UBCBG_Cutler_20150819_124010.jpg EucalyptusRubida-candlebark_UBCBG_Cutler_20150819_124015.jpg EucalyptusRubida-candlebark_UBCBG_Cutler_20150819_124036.jpg

    I was very excited to see this Eucalyptus neglecta because I now have the name of one I've been trying to photograph for years near me in the West End. It has these great square stems edged in red and they twist. It should make a great photo, but for someone else, I guess. The eared leaves are nice too.

    The colours are great on this Sedum cauticola.
    SedumCauticola_UBCBG_Cutler_20150819_111542.jpg SedumCauticola_UBCBG_Cutler_20150819_111644.jpg

    This spruce has a name as fancy as its leaves: Picea pungens 'St. Mary's Broom'.
    PiceaPungensStMarysBroom_UBCBG_Cutler_20150819_112916.jpg PiceaPungensStMarysBroom_UBCBG_Cutler_20150819_113001.jpg
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2021
    Nadia White Rock likes this.
  2. Nadia White Rock

    Nadia White Rock Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    White Rock Canada
    Very dark blue or even black berries on Aronia melanocarpa.

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