I have managed to categorize and label many of my plants, however need a place to search by name for care and propogation instructions. Anyone have any good siites I could search? As well I need some enlightenment on the 2 bushes below Buddleia Black Knight (purple flowers) Weigelia Carnval (3 color flowers) Thanks
i live on the west coast (calif). never cared for either of those two, b or w. i've read that w flower best with frequent pruning. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=pruning+Weigela&spell=1 i think b just dies off in winter. round here i think people just irrigate them (and remove the dead parts sometime after it browns?) www.calfloranursery.com/plinfo.html http://www.gardenguides.com/articles/butterflybush.htm