Just received my 5ltr Ornatum from Ornamental Trees. It looks like a very healthy happy little plant. I'm looking forward to see the colours change.
Depending on what colours you are hoping to see over the years this variety will go two ways, leave in a container they tend to throw more of a red fall colour, plant out then you will see a stunning fire orange either way it's still a lovely tree to have but you do have to move it and play about with this one.
In pots one can move the tree from relatively shaded conditions into more direct sunlight to induce red coloration. Do the opposite to suppress red coloring. It is all due to anthocyanins that are produced to shade the photocenters (light harvesting structures within the leaves that contain chlorophyll).
Thanks to both of you great advice and knowledge. I will definitely have a play around. Unfortunately I dont have a good enough place to plant it out so it will likely stay in a pot. It is the yellow/orange colour that originally attracted me to this so I may keep shaded. Thanks again.