Hi Boop, Maybe you couldn't find directions because of a typo. The correct name is Astilboides tabularis which I found when I did a search at www.google.com and put into the search box: Astilboides tabularis + germinate I found this site. http://www.robsplants.com/plants/AstilTabul.php#seeddetails This page from that site explains the seed starting details. For example: Baggy 70F means baggy was kept in the basement, in spring http://www.robsplants.com/seedhelp.php And from Tom Clothier: http://tomclothier.hort.net/page02.html "Sow at 20ºC (68ºF), if no germination in 3-4 wks, move to -4 to +4ºC (24-39ºF)" Newt