recently i bought a couple cherry trees that require 750-1000 chill hours... the concern i have is, here in fort worth texas we average 750 to 850 hours... i want to run some experiments with them to see if i can help bump up the actual chill hours on these trees... there are a few ideas that i have... the trees are planted in a location where a large elm tree will provide some shading (i know, full sun... but this is the lesser of two evils... and they do get adequate lighting..) anyway, i was thinking that if i applied a few methods consistently, i could lower the temperature in their immediate area a little bit... stretch out the slightly lowered temperature throughout dormancy and maybe i can boost up the total on chill hours. here are my ideas... 1. wind affects chill... wet affects chill... wet+wind affects chill. i was thinking that i could apply ice water soaked rags/beef cloth throughout the branches and use a fan. being damp and fanned i would think would lower the temperature on and immediately around the trees a little bit... i was thinking of doing this from sundown until the morning temperature rises to the point where a fan and wet beef cloth would not help... i want to do this all throughout the winter months when the temperature is 50 degrees or below. i'm also considering putting a tarp down around the trees and hitting them with a mister, on top of the fan... ...(keeping the roots from getting over watered... ... 2... hanging frozen water bottles throughout the trees branches(using staked poles to hang the bottles from... not hanging the bottles on the branches. then letting the fan and or environmental wind do their job to help chill the temperature on and surrounding the branches. would the water misting the branches hurt the tree... seeing how i would be fan/misting it a whole lot... i know the roots wouldn't like all the water... that is why i will tarp around the trees really well. i figure with all the 750-850 total hours of chill time there is, with diligence i could stretch that total.. will anything m describing harm the trees?