Assistance: Trying to find info on Fly Traps

Discussion in 'Annuals, Biennials, Perennials, Ferns and Bulbs' started by Horsetuna, Dec 1, 2006.

  1. Horsetuna

    Horsetuna Member

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    Calgary, Alberta
    I'm buying a Venus Fly Trap and I just want tips on taking care of the bugger.

    I know the basics - they die every year and then grow back, but does he have to be refrigerated?

    I worry because our Fridge is wonky and freezes everything sometimes and I dont want to kill the thing. mayhaps just put him somewhere cool and dark for the winter?

    How do you know if he's 'dead dead' or just 'asleep'?

    If there's no flies, what sort of plant food?

    Any and all help welcome, thank you!
  2. Horsetuna

    Horsetuna Member

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    Calgary, Alberta
    okay, maybe I'm not getting one.

    They had one left, and while he LOOKED fine, when I got him home I realized his nice, green leaves were... just that. Sitting on top of the soil. The stems had rotted :(

    Is he a goner? There's a hole and the stems remains were pretty icky... so I dont know if he's dormant and will grow back next spring or not. Thoughts?'

    I notice the label says it was propagated from tissue culture. Does that mean I could possibly grow new plants from the remains?

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