I would greatly appreciate any tips on how to improve this bush's outlook. The upper part appears to be dead, but the bottom part is still alive. I took this picture on Sunday (October 4). It has been like this since I moved into this house in April 2020. Thanks for any assistance.
Looks like an old Pieris japonica Those are great if you do large flower Arrangements or Christmas wreaths or winter fill-in containers (ie geraniums in summer / seasonal greens stuck in the soil winter) They do drop some flowers (like the size of lily of the valley) and some leaves tho they are evergreen like Arbutus I once lived at a place That had one of similar condition and height in decent health but w some dead branches So I hand snipped the dead wood out And in the gap (which it looks like you’ll have) I hung an attractive garden ornament chimes and a summer hanging basket Some people call this lily of the valley shrub / bush They are a great shrub for our BC Coast summer cuz once established - they are tall (maybe 8’) and structural and happy to do well in dry shade I would NEVER shear this shrub — Thé modern versions of Pieris incl Valentine which seems popular at garden centres Before « cutting it back » - as some local companies do with power tools - assess your overall design and maybe the « lemons to lemonade » idea will come to you! I pruned ours up and put a bistro table and chair under it — this was back in begin of bistro table popularity circa 1999 (last century!!)
I agree, Pieris japonica, can be pruned back and it will re start from the lower branches. But more often than not if out of control a lot remove and replace. Produces lovley pink leaves in Spring with white flowers. This is a shrub that can get out of control if not controlled. As Georgia stated do not use sheers. Use secateurs only.
Acer - what else is in the photo posted originally? Obviously Rhodos of various descriptions - they all look great They do need water in our hot dry summers — and some food around the drip line in late winter I think No pruning rhodos —— Top image - Is that PRIVET? And what is the pointy sharp looking green plant? Aloe Vera? I have attach some screen shots of original poster photo
Sorry! I am still learning about the plants in my new garden. There are some Rhodos for sure, they are OK they are getting water but will do better with some food. I'm not sure whether there is any privet. The plants with pointed leaves are spindly daisies, fighting for light, and perennial bachelor buttons, which are a plague! Thanks!