Hello, I have 3 houseplants that I have been unable to identify in my books. I'm hoping someone here knows what they are. 1) This one I think may be a succulant of some type. I have other pictures up close so you can see the tips if you need me to post those. 2) This plant is normally very lime green in color but recently has began to darken. Don't know if something is wrong with it. 3) This little plant is about 10 or 12 inches tall. I got it a couple years ago as a little plug and it was not identified. I had to stake it because the clump on top became to heavy for the little stalk it grew on. A couple of weeks ago it produced a little yellow flower. I can post a picture of the flower if you need me to. I've been treating it as a succulant. Thank you! Tara
I'll second the Euphorbia tirucalli; the common name is "Pencil Tree." Words of warning: Don't prune it without rubber gloves on - the sap's seriously caustic. Above all, don't prune it and then rub your eyes, it'll hurt like the dickens and you'll go temporarily blind for about 3 days. I have these growing instead of a fence on part of my property. I can tell instantly who's tried to come through them - they either show up at the local hospital blind, or they've got big, fluid-filled rashy blisters on them where the sap hits.
Thank you. I haven't seen any sap from this plant but I'll watch for it and be sure not to touch it! Tara
Thanks. I found both of these now on the internet after you gave me the names. I appreciate your quick reply. Hopefully someone will know my third plant too. Tara