Hello, about a week and a half ago I posted some photos of an unknown plant in my thyme garden it as since grown but I am still unable to id it. at the moment it stands about 12" tall and only has leaves, the stem is straight and soft. there are no indications of any flowers at this time. I have found several of these in an adjacent piece of property. I have added two more photos. Any assistance would be gratefully appreciated. I apologize if the photos are blurry.
Thread continued from here..... http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?p=203928#post203928
MannieBoo, do I detect a flower bud on the leaf at bottom right of pic? It could be a big help with id.
I opened the leaves that look like flower buds but there were just more leaves. I go out every day to look at it hoping that a flower bud of some sort would appear. When I went searching for a flower bud there were only leaves and when one of the leaves broke off a milky white substance exuded.
Always clear pics on missouriplants.com to compare. It looks so pretty. http://www.missouriplants.com/Pinkopp/Apocynum_androsaemifolium_page.html
Okay, I have checked the web site Silver surfer posted, I will have to wait till it blooms to see if it is , I have also checked another web site from Ontario wild flowers and from the pictorial information there it does seem to be a dogbane. If it is , it was probably brought in by migratory birds as it is not native to my province. I'm looking forward to the flowering and will post a picture at that time. Hopefully it will confirm your answers. Many thanks to tipularia, Landscaper and Silver surfer for your assistance.