This is a pretty basic question, but most of mine are... We have one lonely asparagus sprout and have not "fed" the bed. I am wondering if it is too late to apply fertilizer to the bed, and if not, what is best at this point? composted manure? soil enhancer? or ? This is the third year for this bed, and last year we quit harvesting much earlier than we needed to. It produced a lot and long into the season. Have you noticed the wide variations between advice regarding this plant? Pretty amazing. Thanks for any advice you can give me. C
Did you feed it after the harvest quitted last year? Asparagus is a heavy feeder. I've always add a good layer of compost for mulch in the spring and make sure it's fed in the summer. And if your plants are only 3 years old, you might've harvested too early. It takes at least 3 years to establish the plant. I would feed it with a fish feritlizer and some chicken manure. Good luck! and hope you have a good harvest next year.