Hi all, Is it too late to plant Asparagus here in Vancouver? Does it even do well here. I see the roots/crowns for sale every spring, but I never see anyone growing it. Is it worth while crop here? Michael
Hi There! I have been growing asparagas for about 20 years and YES it does grow well in the Vancouver area. I'm not too sure if it is too late to plant or not, perhaps ask at your local garden centre. The crop arrives at about the same time as it starts appearing in the stores but tastes much different - perhaps as a result of the soil that it is grown in. Slugs can be a bit of a problem when the spears start pushing up through the ground but for a gardener living in Vancouver, you should have that problem well in hand. Another pest that gets on the asparagas once it is in its leafed out stage is asparagas beetles. The grubs can cause real havoc. The best natural defense seems to be if there is a wasp nest near by, they really seem to love the grubs. Using a pesticide is the other alternative and since the picking season is over by the time the grubs appear (if they are present in your area) so no need to worry about the 'wait x days before picking' routine. Think that's it. If you have any specific questions, fire away and I see if I can answer them :o) Anne