All of the Ash trees in our area are getting wiped out. Before they go I thought we would preserve some leaves and seeds. This tree is sprouting leaves around the trunk as they do when taking their last gasp. I always assumed these were green ash trees, but now I am not so sure. I took photos of the most common Ash identifing characteristics. Anybody know?
Possibly white ash (Fraxinus americana) based on: leaflets pale or glaucous-papillose beneath, often entire, lateral ones on distinct petiolules 5mm or more long
Also similar to white ash based on shape of the leaf scar in the 2nd pic. Green Ash typically has a flat top on the scar with the bud sitting on top of it, where white ash the scar "smiles" up and around the bud, as your pic shows. Up here in northern Ohio, the green ash are virtually all dead while the white ash are holding on in their fight against the emerald ash borer a little bit longer, but seem to be on their way out as well.
OK, thank you both. I always thought white ash had more deeply furrowed bark, but I was never sure. The ash trees are all dying here too. The tops of the trees from these photos look very bad. Now the Asian Longhorned Beetle has been discovered just 20 minutes south of here.