Would Mary Washington asparagus will do well in northern BC? I live in Rosswood (north of Terrace in northern BC). I believe we are in the growing zone 4. Thanks AnnaW
Howdy AnnaW, You should have absolutely no problem growing asparagus. I'm in zone 3, Alberta. The biggest mistake I ever made was to grow open pollinated asparagus (op) from seeds. The sexes could not be determined and now they have become weeds. Please plant only male plants. Stokes Seeds carrys Millennium, an exclusively male selection from the University og Guelph. There are also other male selections. Unlike op, seeds for males are controlled pollinated. You will losse a year if you start with seeds as compared to planting with crowns. Peace Thean
Hello Thean Thanks for your replay. I’m not patient enough to grow asparagus from seeds. T&T Seeds has 2 years old Mary Washington crowns. I wanted to order 20 plants to see how they are going to do in my garden. Last fall I prepared a 30’ long trench, which I backfilled with a mixture of garden compost, forest mulch and aged horse manure, plus some agr. lime. Would an addition of wood ash be also good for the asparagus bed? Cheers AnnaW