As sick as a palm?

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by razting, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. razting

    razting Member

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    London, UK
    I purchased a six -foot kentia palm one month ago and repotted it as soon as I got it home with a general purpose compost, mixed with a small quantity of well rotted manure. Since then it has started developing brown tips and what look like burns (dry, brown patches with holes) on a large number of leaves. Most of the leaves are also turning papery. I have given it a good watering since and regularly mist the leaves with tepid watery to ensure humid conditions, but the problem keeps getting worse. Its locations should also be perfect as it is away from direct sunlight- yet gets a sufficient quantity and it is away from any radiators. I have also checked for pests (red spider mite, mealy bugs) but can see none.

    Should I be watering more, or could there be there a problem with the soil conditions or otherwise does anyone out there know of a nasty bug that might be causing it?

    Any advice would be much appreciated as I am completely mystified and really sad about the rapid demise of a fine plant.


  2. Newt

    Newt Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Maryland USA zone 7
    Hi Paul,

    You don't say how often you are watering, but it sounds to me as if you are overwatering. You should let the soil dry slightly before watering. It should feel dry to the touch. I would also suggest you stop misting.


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