Found this all around an old tree stump this morning, whilst out walking very near to me in Hampshire England. Armillaria mellea Honey fungus. Now although not rare or special to some, and is not a welcome sight in our gardens, I thought it had a lovely look to it, as do most things in nature IMO.
These are not A. mellea, which is a gilled mushroom with a central stalk. They appear to be a type of polypore that I don't recognise. That should be good news, because A. mellea is often parasitic on trees, while most polypores are saprophytes.
After @vitog posting, I have changed the thread from appreciation to identification. Any ideas from anybody would be appreciated!!
Hi @Acerholic - Looks like Bondarzewia but could be Meripilus: Any black staining when you handle it?
@Frog good morning, nice to hear from you. Thought you would be able to ID it. No black staining at all btw. Thankyou