Aristolochia tomentosa

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by wcutler, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    UBC Accession: 038201-0693-2006
    Location: Carolinian Forest
    Date: July 11, 2012, and September 7, 2012

    I see I never posted this diminutive cousin of Dutchman's pipe, Aristolochia tomentosa. It didn't seem all that exciting last July, but now I think the fuzzy fruits are very cute. Daniel Mosquin has posted flowers of Aristolochia manshuriensis and Aristolochia macrophylla in the Photographs forum.

    These photos were taken July 11. I'm not sure what that midsummer pole-looking thing is that it's climbing on.
    20120711_UBCBG_AristolochiaTomentosa_Cutler_P1260813.jpg 20120711_UBCBG_AristolochiaTomentosa_Cutler_P1260818ps.jpg 20120711_UBCBG_AristolochiaTomentosa_Cutler_P1260823.jpg

    This is the fruit, photo taken September 7. This fruit is about 3cm long, or maybe a titch more.

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