Hi, I need some palm help. In my condo we have Areca Palms just outside our lanai, this is used as a privacy screen between us and the bbq deck. Our neighbours upstairs are not happy that their view has been grown out by these palms. So to save money our board has requested for the landscapers to cut the tops off these palms to give upstairs their view. These palms are NOT meant to be cut off like a hedge. So far, the palms have thickened up below which has been fine for our privacy, however, I am worried that this long term treatment of these palms having their tops cut off is going to kill them. I don't know anything about this plant and I need some expert help on what will happen if this keeps on happenning. PLEASE help me.
If they hack it from the top, it will die. Even if it's just one frond at a time that they keep cutting off, sooner or later, it's not going to be able to support itself with what little they're leaving...
Thank you, what I think too. So cruel what they are doing to what was beautiful palms. They took to them yesterday with a hedgecutter, they look ridiculous.