I'm going to be transplanting my Arbutus Tree from the shady front yard to my very sunny back yard, but want to make sure it's safe for my daycare kiddies...
Strawberry tree conventionally Arbutus unedo. Edible but unexciting. Unedo = I eat one. Other Arbutus common here are native A. menziesii and garden hybrid of uncertain parentage A. 'Marina'.
Safe, but boring flavour, and a slightly 'gritty' texture that most people don't find appetizing. The kids will most likely spit them out, even though they don't need to.
Agree, mushy pulp without any flavour...however...how large is this plant..once established, Arbutus u. and A. m. are resistent to transplanting, they seem to wither and fade from existence......(:
The fruit of strawberry trees is edible but not tasty. The Canadian Standards Association has a short list of poisonous plants to avoid in an appendix of Children’s Playspaces and Equipment (CAN/CSA-Z614), as a daycare provider, you probably already know about that. Also, there's lots of information on the web e.g. Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility on poisonous plants. Many common plants are 'poisonous' if too much is eaten, but you're right to avoid the really toxic plants. Please don't be afraid of plants! Just, keep the kids from eating non-food plants.