I bought this first plant from a store telling me it's Gotu Kola, it has long stems and round leaves and the leaf sprout like little a flower. because I'm already tired of waiting for it to multiply, I bought another plant, but a very different one.. still he told me it's also gotu kola but a different variety.. (the 2nd photo and i'm consuming it already.. :|) then a family friend also gave me another set of gotu kola, now this third gotu kola looks alike the first one but it grows smaller and sprout in a different way... i asked someone to cultivate and spread it out that's why it's a lil messy... what i want is just gotu kola but now i have 3 somehow diff variety and now i'm confused, i tried searching a saw several images but still i'm not satisfied... thank you for helping me!!
Hydrocotyle spp. and Viola. http://www.stuartxchange.com/Violeta.html http://www.stuartxchange.com/Pennywort.html
Hi thank you for your response... I do some research about viola and i doubt it's the same plant with my 2nd plant(pic)... on what i saw on the net, viola's flowers are colored as violet/yellow... but mine is just white and my plant's(i hope its really gotu kola :|) don't really bloom like a viola's flower, i attached some pictures of its flower for considerations... also i read about the hydrocotyle spp that u mentioned... somehow it also called pennywort... and according to some sources, gotu kola is also called pennywort? whew very confusing...also i tried googling some gotu kola pics and saw same pictures of it appear. Is it really a variety, cousins of gotu kola or is it also gotu kola? im really concern bec i will consume it... 1st and 2nd pic a fully bloomed flower, 3rd pic is a withered flower, so it doesn't bloom like a viola like what i said before.
Here's one example(there are many others). http://hawthornhillwildflowers.blogspot.com/2010/05/white-violet-viola-primulifolia.html Your plant may be producing cleistogamous flowers due to the warm climate like they do here in Summer.
Hi!how about plant #2 and #3? can they be consumed like gotu kola w/ the same effect? ive search several sites with pictures of gotu kola and this two plants w/ round leaves are shown. regarding plany #2 i'll go back to the store and question them once more, but the last time i ask them they ensured me thats a real gotu kola... i dunno what to do now... :((