Re: Garden Flower - Aizoaceae - ID, Please! I just posted this same plant not to long ago . it is called an Ice Plant .. i love the colors of the flowers .. Marion
I don't think it's Ice Plant, all I've seen have different shaped leaves, more triangular and thick, sort of like a giant birds toenail. Not flatish and leaf like. barb
Barbara, The common name "ice plant" is used for a number of different species in the Aizoaceae and Mesembryanthaceae. From your description, I think the plant you know by this name is is a species of Carprobrotus. Ciao Brian
BJO. See, I learn someething new everyday on this forum. My only contact with "ice plant" was in Calif. where it grew wild on the beaches and was planted in Hiway dividers and in gardens. Not a favorite plant so I never delved into it. Thank you. barb