Nadia wanted photos of the Melicytus angustifolius we saw yesterday. These are very tiny flowers, no more than 1cm, if I remember correctly. [Edited - Nadia tells me these are less than 5mm.] I was into rhododenrons with a sleek, spare bell shape yesterday. Here are Rhododendron uvarifolium Rhododendron cinnabarinum subsp. cinnabarinum. This is right next to the previous one, with similar shaped flowers, but much more subtle colouring. Rhododendron cinnabarinum subsp. xanthocodon As long as I'm here, I may as well post my favourite photo, Magnolia denudata 'Forrest's Pink'. [edited - name corrected as per RonB's note] Erin said she liked some of her photos of this. Maybe she'll post them. And here's a shot of part of the North Garden, seen from the alpine section.
It's 'Forrest's Pink', after G. Forrest, and it's believed to be a hybrid rather than a pure form of M. denudata. It certainly has a hybrid appearance.