I usually try to link here to Douglas Justice's blog for the month, so here is the April blog, April in the Garden 2024 - UBC Botanical Garden, all about the ornamental cherries in the garden. Starting in 2015, I have set up a yearly thread on the the progress of primarily the cherries in the Peter Wharton Cherry Grove (next to the parking lot), so I have posted my photos related to this month's blog in this year's thread at https://forums.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/threads/ornamental-cherries-at-ubcbg-2024.104159/#post-442556. The yearly threads all have a title of Ornamental Cherries at UBCBG, followed by the year. Or this will bring them all up: Search Results for Query: Ornamental Cherries at UBCBG | UBC Botanical Garden Forums. Here is one photo - the rest are in this year's thread. These are 'Ukon' cherry blossoms in front - you can see that they're yellowish in contrast to the white 'Ojochin' flowers in the background.