Here are some non-rhododendrons I photographed in the last week or two. Kerria japonica. I must have photographed every Melliodendron xylocarpum in the garden, but finally my favourite one came into bloom. Staphylea holocarpa var. rosea. I want to post this because I want the term "cherry-look-alike". This is the second time I've been fooled (for just a bit) by this tree in the Asian Garden that looks so much like it's covered in cherry blossoms, until I see the trunk and realize I've been had. And then I can't remember what it is. Here is how it looked when I saw it on April 14, little pink flowers not close enough to really see. This is a different tree that I was able to get right up on on April 28. Epimedium acuminatum. I've never looked at an Epimedium flower, but a FB friend posted one and now I find those little hooks fascinating. They're bracts? Getting progressively smaller here. These still count. Acer shirasawanum 'Palmatifolium'. The Viburnum cinnamomifolium in the Asian Garden is finally flowering. The one below the Ting had whole flower heads open in December. Some. I finally have got down to no flowers. I like the new leaves on Sorbaria tomentosa. I see a different Sorbaria around my neighbourhood and have finally learned the name.
One more - the Sorbus caloneura is in bloom. It's a good thing these inflorescences are cute, perched above the branches like that, because they smell terrible.
Here's one I like that I forgot - Ilex cornuta - the straight sides make the leaves look like labels to me.