I need help identifying what kind of apple tree this is. I inherited my grandmothers house a couple of years ago, so I did not plant this tree. It produces small yellow apples. I am needing to know if the fruit is safe to eat. It produces alot of apples, so i would like to can them or something. Thanks Bruce
All apples are safe to eat; some are not very nice raw but can still be cooked or made into jam. The way to find out is to taste one - if it is too sour to eat as is, use it in cooking.
Sorry, but you will need to post photos of the apples this fall, as well as when they ripened and a description of the taste. It's hard enough trying to figure out what variety it is from the apples; almost impossible from just the tree. Applenut
Need 6 fruits to represent the full range of variation of these on the tree, including views of ones cut in half to show flesh. If you can get to a fruit show in your region (if any are held there) with samples you may do better with that then trying to get a name from people on the internet, who can't handle, smell and taste them. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension may have useful information in various ways, maybe check their web site for things like fruit show information, experiment station open houses, apple tree maintenance tips etc.