Two years ago, we bought a little apple tree at the Apple Festival. I can't remember off hand what kind it is but I can check the tags tonight if that's important. It was doing well up to about a week ago. Little flower buds were growing nicely, leave were a nice healthy green. The tree is about 5 years old and approx. 5' tall. Almost overnight, the leaves started to wilt and looked like it hadn't been watered in a long time. We couldn't find any signs of any infestations or anything wrong with it. The only thing I could see is that there are little shoots coming from the base of the tree, just above the ground. I know this tree was grafted onto root stock (don't know what kind). Could it be that the original roots are diverting water and nutrients to the new shoots and somehow killing the apple tree? If so, is this process reversible? Any suggestions would be so appreciated. - Lavender
Death above the graft has us puzzled. Mechanical inujry seems the most probable, such as a weedeatermight cause. Or drift of a herbcide, but that would likely zap the rootstock too. Try contacting Derry Walsh at is one of the most knowlgeable apple experts around these parts!
Thanks, I'll try Derry. We don't use any herbicide and haven't weedwacked this year yet. We have two other apple trees in the same general about the same age as this one. The other trees are fine. It's puzzling. - Lavender