Apple Tree ID help

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by farmalloc, Jul 2, 2006.

  1. farmalloc

    farmalloc Member

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    Seattle, WA
    I moved into a house last year that already had from what I can tell pretty old and mature apple tree. Being a first time homeowner I didn't know anything about yardwork and all the apples were knocked out of the tree by starlings and ended up rotting on the ground.

    This year I decided to keep up the yard including doing something with the apples. I figure the first step is to try to identify the type the apple tree it is.

    My neigboor (who has been around for over 50 years says the tree makes excelent apples for pies). Currently the apples are fairly hard and very tart. Being parinoid about starlings and at the neigboors recomendation I harvested a box of apples (58lbs) this morning. But I think it might be too early.

    Anyway can someone help me figure out what type of apple tree this is (see attached):

    I live in Seattle WA.

    Attached Files:

  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    There are hundreds of kinds. Some are unnamed seedlings. If intact fruits are still around later watch for announcements of Fall Fruit Show and take 6 fruits to that, ask about them at the identification table.

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