Is anyone successfully growing apricots in the maritime northwest, say Vancouver, Vancouver Island or the Gulf Islands. I recall eating some apricots at a farm stand on Salt Spring Island. They were very small but quite good. I'm trying to find out what variety of apricot it was and/or what varieties have been grown successfully in this less than sunny region. thanks!
About twelve years ago, our heavily bearing Moorpark Apricot, growing on the south side of our home got fireblight and died very quickly one spring. I would also like information on what fireblight resistant apricot varieties would be good to replace it, especially one that bears late fruit. We have other fruit trees: Stella cherry, Fairhaven peach that in usual years are done by the long weekend in August, so I would like to coordinate fruit production either between them, or late in August. The last frost can be in mid-April.
I have a fruit combo tree from Canadian Tire in the spring that has peach, 2 types of plum, and apricot grafted on a single root-stock. No fruit yet, but the tree seems to be doing well. Anthony
Don't waste your time trying to grow apricots. Too cold and rainy. The Puget Gold variety was supposed to be a winner. HA! Some of the nurseries refuse to carry them now; Too susceptible to disease. I tried and failed twice to get one to grow in a semi-controlled Tacoma environment. I concluded that this is NOT eastern WA, where they thrive. The Puget Gold will grow well in a lab under ideal growing conditions at the Mt. Vernon Research Center. Period.