Hi there, I'm new to the forum, and my wife and I are moving to St. Albert, near Edmonton. We're very excited to have our own yard and to plant a garden and some fruit trees and shrubs. Is there anyone else out there in the Edmonton area that either has some of the following fruiting plants or else knows about them... Plums, apples, pears, blueberries, saskatoons, cranberries, currants...other interesting possibilities?? Thanks very much! Brett
I grow several varieties of apple, blueberries, saskatoons, cherries, grapes, raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries. If you want an excellent selection, as well as a lot of good info on the how-to of growing what you pick, you need not look far, as Hole's Greenhouse in St. Albert is one of if not the best in Alberta.
Howdy Brett, MamaMac, If you want to taste apples, plums and pears that can be grown in Alberta before you make up your mind which one you want to plant, come to the Annual Fruit Show at the Devonian Botanic Gardens on 15 September. For the regular entrance fees, you can taste all the fruits on display and talk with all the 'crazy amateur' fruit growers from Alberta and Saskatchewan. DBG is just a stone throw from St. Albert. Peace Thean