I would love to get some twigs to use as scionwood for grafting, as I have been unable to find one to buy anywhere in Canada. I've tried every nursery, Grimo nut nursery will not send almond to BC. Please let me come by your place to grab a few twigs if you live in the Lower Mainland or anywhere between Victoria and Campbell River. Please!!
Hello, I live in Windsor Ontario. Yes in Canada. Last year, I planted almond seeds, and 2 trees did grows from many seed that I had tried. The one tree, I had left it outside, to see if it will survived the Winter storm here in Cold and windy city of Windsor. Will, find out this spring, if it will be okey or not. The other tree is inside the house and it's over 4 feet now and there's few branches. I planted this tree from the seeds that, I got from Christmas 2006. The question now is, will this tree bear good nuts. If you're interested, email me and will see, if I can cut a small twig for you. My cousins lived in Victoria I'll find out if she have an Almond tree. Good luck, Homestaymom
Please check out this website. This is a disease that is causing a lot of major concerns http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/sci/surv/data/ppve.shtml.