Hi, I have recently visited several local gardens (i.e Queen Elizabeth Park) in Vancouver. I would now really like to check out the UBC gardens and take some photos there but am wondering if there are any restrictions on where you can take photos or if there are any gardens there in which you are not permitted to use a camera at all ? Also, I would really be interested in a photography course for digital camera users that would cover skills in botanical type photography (i.e. lighting, composition etc etc). Thanks, Amber
Hello, There are no restrictions on photography at UBC Botanical Garden for personal or non-profit use or enjoyment. With photography on a for-profit basis, there are different levels of courtesy we'd expect from the photographer depending on the use of the photographs on a case by case basis. For example, artistic works may only require acknowledgement that the photograph was taken at the garden. If yours is a for-profit use, please contact the garden at botg@interchange.ubc.ca with the nature of your use and it can be assessed from there. There are no restrictions on what areas can be photographed. And I agree, a digital botanical photography course would be an excellent idea. I would like to learn more, as well. Kind regards, Daniel
Last or Next Bloom of Cardiocrinum giganteum When was the last time the giant Himalyan Lily (Cardiocrinum giganteum) bloomed at UBC botanical gardens? We took a photo August 2004 when it had large giant green pods. From the interpretative sign we understand it takes up to 7 years to bloom. So this should be quite an event and one we may want to travel to Vancouver to see. Also it would be nice to know at what stage the lily pod was when we photographed it.
Re: Last or Next Bloom of Cardiocrinum giganteum I'm fairly certain that this is one of the few plants that we continually have in production, as there has been flowers every year since I've been here (starting in 2000). It sounds to me that your photograph was taken a couple weeks after flowering - perhaps in early or mid-July? The few photographs I've taken of it in flower have been in mid-June.