I bought this plant on the clearance rack at a local hardware store. It was labeled annual patio plant. I am curious to know what it may be and if it is actually an annual. I have attached a pic of the bloom. The actual plant is a bush. Ithas little to no foilage and the blooms are grouped at the end of each branch. After the bloom dies it turns into a green berry. I will post a pic of the bush later as I am sure it may help identify. If anyone can identify just by the bloom, help me, what is it? Is it an annual? and how do I care for it? Thanks is advance for all your help!!
Agree with Eric, Clerodendron ugandense (= C. myricoides 'Ugandense'). It is an evergreen bush/ scrambler here, growing to about 2m + (6-9 feet). A fantastic sight when happy and in full flower. Peak flowering is Spring / early summer here, but it flowers more or less all year round. Likes a fairly rich soil and a reasonable amount of water. Great plant. Happy growing. BrianO