This is in Southern Taiwan which is Sub-tropical/Tropical. They are growing in hard soil with grass in open sun. i can't say thats the best for them as tehy are rather leafless...but it is also the end of the dry season so everything is a little bare. Any thoughts. here are leaf, flower and fruit shots. i took a bug full of fruit home to harvest seeds if you need pics o fthem as well. Thanks for any help :)
that seems about right. i have been googling and not fidning much info on specie identification. lots on its chemical makeup, which interests me. but i am not sure it is orientalis and the flowers petals on this plant dont seem to have that long extra bit. I know it is far from a good way to ID but The biggest university names 2 species here in Taiwan, could they be these? Tabernaemontana pandacaqui Poir. Tabernaemontana subglobosa Merr.
Now that I look a little further I see that T. orientalis is not native in E or SE Asia, so your plant is probably not that. I think you will need to use the key in Flora of China online, at It looks as though T. subglobosa is now regarded as a synonym of T. pandacaqui - see TROPICOS database at And it looks as though T. pandacaqui is the only sp. regarded as native in Taiwan. It has many synonyms. I would still check that your plant answers its description.
Hello, This plant looks really interesting. Can you tell me the name of the plant if you find out what it is? Also, how does the fruit taste like? Thanks, Carr
it would seem it is in fact T. subglobosa. i didnt eat them...actually i dont eat anything i dont know what it is. i have been cleaning about 1000 seeds, so i should be planting some soon.