I was given a new rose bush for Mother's day and it seems to be doing wonderfully with a few tiny roses already and lots of more buds showing. My problem is WORMS I do not like them on my rose bush. Is there something I can do to keep them away? I have sprinkled baby powder around the trunk a few times, but that's gone once the plant gets watered either by Mother Nature or me. I'm sorry everyone! It's ANTS not worms that are my problem. It was kind of late when I was writing this and I had just read something about someone not have worms.
Ants or worms? that is so funny! first figure out which you have!!! then go to the library and read some books on roses. or contact a local rose society, or take the critters in a sealed plastic bag to a reputable nursery. lots of insects are good for plants or do little damage. be sure to find out what you have before tackling the problem. otherwise, it might not work and it might adversely affect beneficial insects. I have never heard of baby powder for roses. whatever you do, avoid strong pesticides. try washing away with a strong blast of water. hand pick little green rose slugs. spray at night with insecticidal soap ONLY AFTER you have determined you really have a problem and you know what it is. maybe roses aren't your cup of tea! Di
Thank you for your reply Di I think roses are my cup of tea because they sure are beautiful and are acting as coverage for the root of my vine which is behind the bush, as suggested by the vines instructions. The critters are ants for sure and I learned about baby powder a long time ago. Ants do not seem to like the powder and generally will not cross it. The only thing is when we water the powder gets wet, just like it does on a baby, so it does not last long. I do not use pesticides on any of my gardens just fertilizer. When I clip my flowers to share with other inside is when I really HATE them ants because they are hiding within the folds of the flowers. My first flower actually won me first place in a photo contest while it was sitting wet upon the bush. I had just watered and noticed how the flower was sitting with beeds of water and took a picture...
Often ants are on plants because they are farming aphids on the plants. Since these may infect roses and other plants with viruses really your problem is the aphids the ants are coming to. Ants hiding inside disturbed flowers seems a bit unnatural to me, perhaps these are actually another kind of insect. Among the beneficial insects mentioned above is the worm-like larvae of hover flies. These are there to eat things like aphids and should therefore not be destroyed. As with plant disease (and for that matter, medical) problems bugs on plants need to be accurately identified before the smartest response is possible.
I shall take a sample to our local plant specialist and see what he thinks of all of this. The bugs that was in the clipped rose were ants because I shook them out into the sink at the time. There were only three of them but the flower wasn't very big either. Thank you everyone for answer/suggestions...