Anthurium splendidum

Discussion in 'Araceae' started by bihai, Dec 8, 2020.

  1. bihai

    bihai Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    This was my Christmas gift to myself this year. I am setting up a terrarium for it tomorrow. It is at the moment my most favorite plant in the whole world LOL

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  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    It's cute, but I'm more a fan of the Anthurium regale. Interesting to see, though, not like anything I've seen before. Thanks for posting the anthuriums.
  3. Tom Hulse

    Tom Hulse Active Member 10 Years

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    Marysville, WA USA
    Very nice. Is this your first one of the bumpy-leaf anthuriums? This reminds me of a question I had about the ones for sale at Ken's Philodendrons. Their ad shows a smooth shiny leaf, so I had assumed that might be just a juvenile form, but your baby is very bumpy. Do you know if it was seed- or cutting-grown?
  4. bihai

    bihai Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    There are some Splendidum-affs, -cfs and -types that have been going around for a while. They have been sold by Ecuagenera for a long time. Which is probably where Ken's got theirs. When they have something they do not know the species of they will do that. label it like that. Many are actually undecribed species from what I understand. No, I have several bullate plants. I have Anthurium luxurians, radicans, radicans x luxurians, radicals x dressleri, anthurium lapoanum, Philodendron furcatum, and now this one. I used to have an Anthurium corrugated but no longer do. I also used to have THIS plant but lost it in 2010. This is the 'real deal', the true splendidum. It was grown from vegetative propagation. They have to be kept in mist chambers because the humidity where they are from is the 100% driving wet all the time type.
  5. bihai

    bihai Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    This is my Philodendron furcatum. It is one of my all time favorite plants. I like species much much more than the popular hybrids of the moment. I am all about form and texture. This one lives in a misty terrarium as well. It won't tolerate the heat here

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  6. Tom Hulse

    Tom Hulse Active Member 10 Years

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    Grrr. Vendors who don't care enough about the names of plants they sell really bug me. I was the International Registrar for Brugmansia & Datura names awhile back, and one thing that took soooo much time was untangling the naming & ID messes started by sloppy vendors. It also caused a lot of disappointed growers who sometimes felt like they wasted years of tender care on a plant.
    Love the furcatum! Tell me about your terrariums. Have you ever thought about having a cloud-mist section closed off in your greenhouse? I just finished a DIY high-capacity fog humidifier for about $40
  7. bihai

    bihai Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    All of my terrariums are pretty small, the largest is 75 gal. Some are converted aquariums, and others are upright cases with doors that open. I have three that are mist chambers...the one for my Anthurium cutucuense, the one for the P. furcatum and now the one for the splendidum. I use a reptile fogger on a timer. I set it to come on and off at intervals 24/7. The SPlendidum tank I have just set up today and am not doing anything big yet because I may but a taller one. This one is a mini, 18" tall, I think I want at least 24". I know what you mean about mis-id though. I just quit as the moderator of a Facebook Page for buy-sell-trade for our city because the other Moderator is a twit. There were 2 listings made by the same seller that had plants incorrectly ID'd. This seller is known as a plant flipper. They put themselves out there as a 'collector' but they don;t really have a collection (people have been to their house). They import/buy from others and resell. As FAST as they can. Only want to make a buck. They got these 2 plants from someone else who had them misidentified. When the seller was corrected, they changed one listing but said something a little obnoxious in the second. The Admin took it down and asked them rewrite and repost it without the obnoxious bit, they got mad and quit the site (good riddance). This person admitted to me they didn't check to see if the plants were really what they were represented as when they got them. SO they just carried on with the wrong ID. The 2nd MOD got mad and said we shouldn;t have interfered with this seller, that we should have let it stay as it was and let the BUYER decide to buy or not. (...?...) No. Nope. Some of the people buying these plants from these sites have no idea what they are buying. They are just burning cash. We got in a disagreement about it because I think proper ID is VERY important, and this lady could care less. SO I told her have fun Mod all you want dear LOL BYE
  8. bihai

    bihai Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Hey Tom if you are really into Brugs, do you know Dr. Alistair Hay?
  9. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    This is a little off-topic for this thread, but not for the forum. I was surprised to see that the Philodendron furcatum posted here in posting #5 is not an anthurium (totally forgetting what anthurium flowers look like; I'm enjoying the interest here in the leaves), so queried the difference. One page that happens to be about A. regale (Anthurium Regale - Everything You Need to Know - Gardening it), which @bihai just posted at (1) Anthurium regale | UBC Botanical Garden Forums, said that anthurium flowers are bisexual, whereas philodendron flowers are unisexual (the spadix of both being composed of many flowers). From there I went to Philodendron - Wikipedia, which has an extremely detailed description of that genus's sexual reproduction . The person who wrote that was very into it.
    bihai likes this.
  10. Tom Hulse

    Tom Hulse Active Member 10 Years

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    Yes, I do know him! He taught me how to handle the Registrar job. I got a tiny thank you mention in the forward of his big Brug masterwork Huanduj: Brugmansia. He must have answered a couple thousand of my ridiculous questions over the years. The man's patience knows no bounds, lol!
  11. bihai

    bihai Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    He is on Facebook groups I am on. He is SO FUNNY. His sense of humor is so dry and witty. And he is just the nicest person, will answer questions and be helpful
  12. Tom Hulse

    Tom Hulse Active Member 10 Years

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  13. Tom Hulse

    Tom Hulse Active Member 10 Years

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    Maybe if we keep talking about him he'll show up here again. Although I wouldn't want him to get a fat (fatter?) head if we say too many nice things; otherwise he might get the wrong impression this were an Alistair fan club. ;) ;)
  14. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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  15. Tom Hulse

    Tom Hulse Active Member 10 Years

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    Oh, sorry Wendy. I was talking about Alistair, not Steve Lucas in that post. I should have been more clear. Yes we're all the poorer without Steve around. Very grateful he left us a great legacy in all the valuable info that's still available at
  16. bihai

    bihai Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    This is the P. furcatum box in toto. I still have some space up to to fill in, when I fond something I want to add up there. What I likeliest about Dr. Hay is that he is like a real person. He is always showing photos of the trouble his new puppy gets into and stuff like that.

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  17. Tom Hulse

    Tom Hulse Active Member 10 Years

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    Marysville, WA USA
    Very nice! You shouldn't have shown that, now I'm gonna have a ton more questions! What did you use for the white divider/backing? What kind of light did you go with?
  18. bihai

    bihai Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    FL USA
    The backing is cork bark slabs. We can get them fairly easily here. The wood pieces I gather out in the woods. I just use a reptile fixture with a full spectrum light bulb. Nothing fancy. The white part you see is the wall behind the portion of glass that I haven;t blocked with cork (yet) ha ha. I don;t do real 'builds' in any of my terrariums. I don;t do the foam painted with silicon and covered over with EcoEarth ground coconut. I want to be able to take them down if things change. So I stack components together and interface with moss. The bottoms are usually ALiflor (compressed clay pebbles), sometimes covered with a layer of growing substrate (orchid mixture mainly). Having the clay pebble layer gives the thing a place for excess water to drain and evaporate back up for extra humidity
    JeHi Jung and Tom Hulse like this.

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