Just hanging out waiting for this awful winter to end. Already started the repotting/up potting etc for spring, ran across these Anthurium vittariifolium seedlings that are almost a year old now. They don't come out of the seed looking anything like an adult plant until about 7-8 months.
I hope so. We were supposed to have another mild La Nina winter but something called the Greenland high has spoiled all that so far.
Anthurium clarinervium x faustomirandae. All of these seedlings are from there SAME crop of seeds off of the same plant. This cross was made by Silver Krome nursery in SO. FL years ago, I have had my parent plant for somewhere between 16- 20 years. It is extremely variable in the morphology of the seedlings it produces, probably because the two parents are pretty disparate in appearance. Last photo is the parent plant
New batches of seedlings in the making....Anthurium magnificum! Already sowed about 48 seeds from this spadix, getting 12-15 a day at this point.