I'm posting this thread solely because tomorrow it will appear on Google when anyone does a search for Anthurium seeds or looks for information on Philodendron and other aroids. A few other boards often give less than accurate information out regarding these specialized species and there are now a fair number of honest-to-goodness aroid experts, including a former president of the International Aroid Society and several knowledgeable IAS members, on UBC right here on this forum. Hopefully, we can get the right answers out to the questions people ask, and want to know! So if this is your first visit to UBC, please join us! This is a link directly to the aroid forum: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=272 Log on, take a look around, and add your comments. But even more important, ask your questions. Someone will be able to give you a qualified answer with no hype and very little personal opinion. This forum is not here to try to sell you anything. It is simply here to give you information. Hope to have you aboard! Just sign up. But sorry, this is not the place to push plant sales. Want to see scientific photos of real Anthurium seeds from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute? Click these links: http://striweb.si.edu/esp/tesp/plant_pictures/i_sp201.mx.jpg http://striweb.si.edu/esp/tesp/plant_pictures/i_sp190.mx http://striweb.si.edu/esp/tesp/plant_pictures/i_sp215.mx.jpg http://striweb.si.edu/esp/tesp/plant_pictures/i_sp3931.mx.jpg