Lovely. You grow a lot of cool stuff!! I am on a few Facebook groups for aroids, I don't go on all that much because its mostly a lot of people either bragging on plants they have or asking how to save their (one node or node-less) Monstera deliciosa albo-variegata cutting that they got in the mail and paid $300 for. (But one moderator on one page has taken steps to corral this flood of posts). The consensus on my plant that I had as 'pseudospectabile' is that is is NOT, and probably not A. nervatum either because the spathe is not the right purple color. It is possible it is A. colonicum, or A. panamense. I am not a huge Facebook fan, I have a presence there mainly because I have an art page (I am an award winning bead artist and do art shows). And to keep up with my daughter who is 24 and lives away. But she is dropping off FB more and more for Instagram, so I don't FB much. But there are a lot of people on there from the 'Old Days'...Enid Offolter, Siddarth, Rob Branch, Barry Yinger (from the old Asiatica), Mick M, even guys like Tom Croat and Peter Boyce and Alistair Hay are on there and contribute on a regular basis so its worth looking at sporadically. Here are a few of my plants....I also have 'Purple Prince' which has seemingly become rare now, also P. mamei, P. White Wizard,
Oops cut myself off.A bunch of Calathea and their allies, a lot of orchids (I have a weakness for Bulbophyllums) P. verrucosum, palms like this Flamethrower... My main collection is comprised of Palms, orchids, and aroids. But I have a ton of other plants like gingers, hoyas, heliconias, bromeliads etc. My yard is like most other Florida yards as far as tropicals...COstus, hedychiums, palms, brugmansia, colocasias and alocasias and xanthosomas, curcuma, musa...
Great stuff!! Well I hate Facebook too, but I guess if that's where all the Aroid guys are I'll have to dust off the old account (probably get a new flood of spam emails alerting me to exciting Facebook opportunities again). I've been more and more interested in Aroids lately so I'm glad at least somebody is still watching this forum!
You'll have to wade through a lot of crap to get any benefit.Recently on one forum that had to call a moratorium on posts dealing with 'I paid $XXXXX for this one node cutting of variegated Monstera and it has no leaves and no roots and I can't tell if it has a node how do I grow it what are its chances?' because there were literally about 10000 of them on a daily basis and everyone was just sick of it. And the forums (or pages I guess) and all divided up by genus. So you have to join each that you are interested in, but its almost all the same people on each one. Some have really great mods, some have total d-ckheads that are rude, condescending. And some of the forums have a preponderance of people in other lands who just put up photos of these great plants that you and I will never have a chance to own and gloat about them. But there are is some good info and there are some helpful people. There is a group trying to help me ID that anthurium that is not pseudospectabile, there is a great terrarium/vivarium forum, I joined and quit the alocasia/colocasia forum because the mod is an ass. I tend to go mostly to the general Araecea forum that encompasses everything unless i have a real specific question to ask on a specific genera. Just be ready to have a THICK SKIN on some of these places, and be ready to be inundated with about a hundred trade requests if you post anything unusual or rare. Like a variegated Monstera photo LOL