That's what I thought, but the inflorescence confused me. I think the QE Conservatory has a palm near the entrance with new leaves like this, can't remember the name. Chamaeodora have new leaves that are similar. A Bing search for images for iguanura geonomiformis (because one came up in a Chamaeodora search) shows me a photo in the 4th position that has a long inflorescence that looks like it could have grown from what's shown in your photo. Unfortunately, the site it's on is not functioning. This is only to say that you should change your search to Palmaceae. Here's a Chamaeodora page to start with. Introduction to the Chamaedorea Palms- excellent genus for both out and indoor use - Dave's Garden.
I have come to find that it may be a Carludovica sp. but is different from the four species I can find images of.
How did you learn that? Is there something you could tell from those young leaves? Or just what occurs where you are? I only have photos of C. palmata - I think there are lots of photos of those, and none of my photos are of young leaves.
I got the suggestion on another fórum. I think my plant is full adult. According to Wikipedia there are 127 species described but only 4 approved.
I just read on Carludovica palmata - Wikipedia that Cardulovica is not a true palm. Its leaves are different from the leaves of true palms, and unlike true palms it does not develop a woody trunk. So I was misleading you too. I must have read that at some point, didn't remember anything about them. Is the forum you used on our Online Forums resource page?
If it ever does get identified (and you have larger images), I would love to use it for Botany Photo of the Day. I don't think I've ever featured that plant family before.
This is Cardulovica palmata, different species, from Foster Botanical Garden in Honolulu. I was so excited about these flowers, am surprised that I never posted them anywhere. I made notes: Panama-Hat Plant, at Foster Botanical Garden in Honolulu Cyclanthaceae, not a palm. The leaves are used to make Panama Hats - good article here: Edited by wcutler 2024jan11: the link has disappeared. This one is good: Carludovica palmata (Panama hat plant) | CABI Compendium ( I learned from it that my first photo is of a male flower . These are female flower buds on the spathes. See red flowers in Reinaldo Aguilar's photos of C. rotundifolia at Carludovica rotundifolia on Flickr (link replaced Jan 11, 2024 by wcutler).
I think my comment at meant that I was to photograph young leaves of Cardulovica palmata. So here are some, the same planting as the ones above, at Foster Botanical Garden in Honolulu. Here are some leaves to compare with a palm The most similar-looking palm in the area was this Liquala lauterbachii.