Well The Real Anthurium Jenmani that Dr. Croat's Mean and its Correct in Science things, In Indo we also labeled this as Jenmani, but the Cheapest One and not so many people looking this. we say this "Jenmani See e/SII" So anyone have anthurium bonplandii seeds please contact me? :D
I wish you luck in finding any in today's market. I am aware of one grower who has a large number of Anthurium bonplandii guayanum that are now seedlings, but he is not ready to sell them for at least one more year. At present it seems any of us who want this plant will have to just buy it on eBay. Here's a link with more information on Anthurium bonplandii guayanum so you'll know what you are really looking for: http://www.exoticrainforest.com/Anthurium bonplandii pc.html I hope you can find some!
Steve: Once again, it is "guayanum". I would again suggest, publically this time, that you temper your dogmatic comments as to the IDs of these plants on eBay. You do not have them in hand, and based on your commentary published across various websites that I have read, appear to not be familiar with one of the true key characters that differentiate them (conspicuous glandular punctations on the undersurfaces of the leaves amongst them). Frankly, I also find your recent, rather arch and patronizing to be sure, references to "large number(s)" of these taxa available from your contacts in the horticultural trade...but not for some time, mind you...to be in incredibly poor taste. Perhaps you should join those of us who applaud the recent surge in enthusiasm for uncommon foliage-type anthuriums in southern Asia, rather than view it as something negative. Best regards, Jay
I respect your opinion Jay. I have published it several times when you disagreed with information someone else provided me for my website. However, I respect the opinion of Dr. Croat even more. Since you have his email address may I suggest you contact him and ask if his statement is no longer accurate? I just made another attempt to do so this morning myself. If Tom says this information is incorrect, I will make a public apology. And that is a guarantee. Please send me a personal email stating you disagree with Dr. Croat and I will gladly publish your statement on the pages where appropriate. And thank you for correcting my spelling error.
It would be far better if it was just GIVEN A REST ALTOGETHER. We all know your opinions on the issue. You've hammered it over people's heads not only here, but as was referenced above, on other websites as well, over and over and over. EVERYONE knows you "know" Tom Croat, Julius Boos and heaven knows how many other "important" experts. We get told that fact ad nauseum. EVERYONE knows you don't think the plants being sold on eBay are authentic. EVERYONE knows your opinion because you can't keep it to yourself. I know that "someone" will get the moderator here to remove my comments, as well as probably Stone Jaguar's above, just like they seem to get removed such on every website this issue has been hounded to death on. That's not exactly fair, but that's the way it is.
Personally, I don't wish any of these to be removed. Each person can choose to believe what they will. If I were to say any of this as my own opinion, it would be worthless. I am admittedly not an expert. I just strive to publish the opinions of those who truly are. If any don't wish to read what I post, please, BLOCK ME. It is easily done. This is after all, a discussion site sponsored by a botanical garden. And Dr. Croat is a recognized aroid botanist. My opinion? Who cares! Tom's opinion? It has value.
Steve: Glad you respect my opinion. I believe that when I have disagreed with others views (particularly with regard to Microsorium culture and so forth), I have backed it up with photographic evidence, or lit citations to prompt you to reconsider your statements. With due respect, it appears that you are missing the entire point here. It's not that I agree or disagree with Dr. Croat...I hold him in the highest regard; it is just that, IMO, you are attributing past off-the-record comments to him that do not necessarily apply to the ornmental plants being offered on eBay. As far as I know, he has not had a chance to examine these plants and I for one am extremely leery of making determinations based on photographs that do not illustrate key characters. As I have noted on a couple of occasions, Tom's Pachy monograph states very clearly that A. bonplandii guayanum may be separated from sib taxa based on the presence of glandular punctations (in plain English = tiny black dots) on the undersurfaces of the leaves. This is black or white, mi amigo...does your plant have them or not? If so, then yours is either this or, perhaps, a primary hybrid involving it...that does not, however, mean anything for the plethora of other red emergent Pachyneurium out there. I would also point out that it has been mentioned that some of the "sunk" Anthurium binomials from the Guianas may in fact be valid. Pink-red-violet emergent leaves are NOT diagnostic. I would also like to state that I think that your efforts to popularize exotic aroids via your website and enthusiastic lobbying for the group on internet fora are very laudable. However, with this success comes a responsability to wield your newfound influence over newbies in a deft and tactful manner. I can assure you that I am not alone in believing that you have "exceeded your mandate", so to speak, several times in the recent past with regard to your online commentary. BRgds, Jay
Steve: Please, be my guest! I once again emphasize that I am NOT making a determination as to what these plants really "are" or "aren't"...what I am stating is that it is unwise to guess at their identities based on the photographs that I have seen so far and that it is highly irresponsible to *suggest* that some reputable eBay sellers may be engaged in some sort of deception if they do not agree with your current views on anthurium taxonomy. BRgds, Jay
Jay, your post above has been added to both of the appropriate pages. If you feel any further modifications should be made to make certain you are accurately quoted, please bring them to my attention. "Deception" has never been implied. Only that it appears possible the wrong name is being applied.
Peace all athurium player's on the world..... keep stay plant's the Jemanii.may be in the next time we can be the lord of the plants bussiness of the world.....
The link to the discussion on my site regarding Anthurium jenmanii was broken due to a server error. The old one can no longer be used. This is the new link: http://www.exoticrainforest.com/Anthurium jenmanii 2 pc.html
The correct link to the ExoticRainforest webpage on Anthurium jenmanii is http://www.exoticrainforest.com/Anthurium jenmanii pc.html The link was unfortunately broken by the server.
That is certainly true but the big question would be was the plant on eBay really Anthurium jenmanii. I look often and have only seen the true species offered for sale twice. All the others are offering Anthurium bonplandii subsp. guayanum.