Another northern BC beach plant

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Miki S, Dec 1, 2015.

  1. Miki S

    Miki S New Member

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    Vancouver, BC
    Hello again,
    I've another unidentified plant from the field trip to Kitimat in July 2014. These were growing on a sandy beach, probably upper intertidal, and I'm not sure but I think there are some withered flowers left on a few of the stalks (red arrows)..
    plant.jpg plant2.jpg flowers.JPG

    I don't think these are milkworts as there were milkworts on the same beach and they look different. I've been looking through Pojar and MacKinnon (1994) but can't seem to find anything that looks like this.
    Thanks in advance!

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