Annual PNWP&EPS Plant Sale on MAY 20, 2023

Discussion in 'Pacific Northwest Workshops, Events, and Societies' started by pmurphy, Apr 7, 2023.

  1. pmurphy

    pmurphy Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC
    The Pacific Northwest Palm & Exotic Plant Society
    is pleased to announce their upcoming
    Annual Plant Sale.

    Located in the parking lot of Phoenix Perennials, this sale is not to be missed!
    3380 No 6 Rd, Richmond, BC V6V 1P5

    Date: SATURDAY MAY 20th
    Time: 9:00AM - 3:00PM

    As of this date - April 7th - we have confirmed the following plants:
    Pawpaw, assorted varieties
    Gingers, assorted varieties
    Hardy Citrus - yuzu lemon and bitter orange to name a few
    Bamboo, assorted varieties
    Palms, assorted varieties

    So come on down to browse, chat or purchase.
    See you then!

    * Please note that there may be a slim chance of our sale being re-located from the main parking lot to Phoenix's overflow parking lot but if this is the case there will be signs to indicate this.


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