Along railroad. Wet areas w/ Phragmites interspersed with seasonally ponded areas (mostly bare soil and dried algal mats) with this annual (?) grass, along with prairie threeawn. Also, see last photo: those are dried algae mats right? I don't know an appropriate forum to ask that question, but perhaps one of you knows. :)
Arg, I can't seem to find a match for that grass trying to key in out in Swink/Mohlenbrock. I get one then look at a photo on USDA or whatnot and they look completely different. Here are some larger photos of the floppy mat things.
Did you look at the spikelets the microscope? Some important details may escape from the naked eye. Try to part a spikelet into components. Sometimes an extra-glume or an extra-lemma may count as a reduced floret, an important feature in identification of grasses. And are you talking about one grass? As I can see in the pictures #2 and #4 these are two different grasses. However, both of them, just by overall look, may represent different species or even different genera and require additional details to make a call.