I got one a couple of months ago the person who gave it to me said she like bright light and not to much water so she's been doing fine but i was wondering if there is anything else i could do thanks omni
My houseplant book notes these care tips for Angel-wing Begonia: Light: Spring and Summer bright filtered light; Fall and Winter up to 4 hours of direct sun. Temp.: 65-75 degrees F Fertilizer: Feed every two weeks with a high Phosphorus plant food mixed at half the normal strength Water: Allow soil to become dry to within 1 inch of the surface between thorough waterings Soil: Light, peaty soilless mix Re-potting: Repot annually in spring, shifting plant to a slightly larger container. Add pebbles to the bottom of the pot to increase drainage Apparently the author believes that fertilizing as listed in the tips above is one of the more important aspects of the care of this plant. I also know that in general Begonias benefit from medium to high humidity (I have a dragon-wing begonia). Hope this helps and good luck with your plant!